Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School







As one of the core subjects taught at primary level, we give the teaching and learning of Science the prominence it deserves.


Learning Science is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge of our world and with developing skills associated with Science as a process of enquiry. Our science curriculum develops the natural curiosity of each child no matter their demographic, encourages them to respect living organisms, and instils in pupils the importance of caring for the natural environment.




  • Our Science Curriculum provides pupils with a wide range of learning opportunities and memorable, hands-on experiences. Pupils are provided with diverse and rich opportunities for learning that are incrementally planned for cohesion and progression.
  • Our Science curriculum ensures that our pupils learn and develop a range of subject-specific and transferable skills that equip our learners for their future.
  • In Key Stage One, children raise questions and draw conclusions based on observations. Children carry out simple tests using a range of different enquiries, with a strong emphasis on practical experiences to reflect and challenge their understanding. As children move into Lower Key Stage Two, skills are extended and built upon, and knowledge is expanded through independent research. Children set up and run practical enquiries, such as fair tests, make observations and record and report results in various ways. To deepen understanding and broaden skills, children in Upper Key Stage Two use their knowledge to investigate different phenomena more analytically. They will encounter more complex and challenging areas of Science, such as evolution and inheritance.


  • Foster the confidence to ‘be wrong’ when making predictions and postulating their theories.
  • Promote an awareness of the importance of teamwork in scientific experimentation.
  • Practically investigate their questions using various methods of enquiry.
  • Gain competence in the science skills of planning scientific investigations, gathering and analysing data and critical evaluation of investigations across the disciplines.
  • Use a range of methods to gather data from investigations and secondary sources, including ICT, drawings, diagrams, videos and photographs.
  • Present data in a variety of methods including tables, bar charts, line graphs, pictograms and pie charts.
  • Produce comprehensive science reports that demonstrate their proficiency in the scientific method.
  • Have care for the safety of all individuals in lessons by developing knowledge of the hazards of the materials and equipment they handle, along with mitigating these hazards.
  • Develop enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery.


  • Our Science curriculum is structured around the White Rose scheme. It is further enhanced with a strategic range of planned and embedded enrichment opportunities, including Science Theme Weeks, educational visits in the local area, visiting workshops and Forest School. Children participate in regional projects, such as the Greater Manchester Engineering Challenge in 2021. Further cross-curricular Science teaching is supported, mainly through the Maths and English curriculum.



  • Our engaging and relevant Science curriculum ensures that all pupils are prepared with the skills and knowledge to solve problems and explore the implications for Science today and in the future.
  • By the end of KS2, our pupils are equipped with the knowledge required to understand their world at a local level and a much wider scope. Our children have inquiring minds, and they develop a deep understanding of science and the natural world through harnessing their curiosity.
  • Pupils can talk about their learning in Science and are excited by their lessons and the opportunities they are given to explore Science, especially in a practical context.
  • Book scrutinies and learning walks are evidence of the high-quality teaching and learning across the school in Science.
  • • Our Science subject leader is Mr Billings, and please feel free to speak with Mr Billings if you would like to know more about our Science curriculum provision.