Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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PE & Sport Funding

PE and Sport Funding


All children and young people should live healthy active lives. The UK Chief Medical Officers recommend that all children and young people should take part in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day, with the recommendation for disabled children and young people being 20 minutes of physical activity per day.


 This funding should be used to:  

  • make additional and sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity they provide
  • provide or improve equal access to sport for boys and girls
  • ensure teachers have the relevant skills and knowledge to confidently teach PE in a structured way, prioritising continued professional development (CPD) and training where needed


How funding is calculated and the amounts payable for 2024 to 2025

Schools receive PE and sport premium funding based on the number of pupils they have in years 1 to 6. In cases where schools may not have set year groups (for example, in some special schools), pupils aged 5 to 10 attract the funding.


For the year 2024 to 2025, the amounts payable will be:

  • schools with 16 or fewer eligible pupils will receive £1,000 per pupil
  • schools with 17 or more eligible pupils will receive £16,000 and an additional payment of £10 per pupil


The Sports Premium that Saint Mary's will receive for the 2024/25 academic year is: £17,560
