Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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Nursery Forms



In July 2017, the Regional School’s Commissioner granted permission for Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School to lower its age-range to two years.  As a result, the school is delighted that it has been able to open its doors to children aged two, three and four years old from 5th September 2017.


"Leaders and staff have created a bright and caring environment in which children thrive.  The very youngest children settle quickly in an environment that nurtures, excites and stimulates them as learners." (Ofsted report - January 2018)


Teaching and Learning


The nursery is divided into two main rooms for the majority of the children’s learning:  A room for two year olds (morning and lunch sessions only) and a room for three and four year olds (morning, lunch and afternoon sessions).  In each room, we follow the Statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), which is the government framework delivered by all providers caring for children aged 0-5. We deliver the EYFS to an excellent standard ensuring that all our children are given the learning opportunities they need in order to fulfill their potential as individuals. 





The nursery operates out of a modular building situated in the grounds of Saint Mary’s.  The school has undertaken a significant refurbishment of the indoor environment to ensure it is clean, safe, inviting and stimulating.  There are a wide range of activities to ensure that children are highly motivated and very eager to join in with their learning.  There is also a designated outdoor space, which is secure and provides children with further opportunities to play, grow and develop.









Teaching and Learning within the nursery is led by qualified teacher Miss Franklin, who directs a team of teaching assistants.  Miss Lankester and Mrs Luby teach the two, three and four year old children in the morning and oversee teaching for three and four year olds in the afternoons.  The teaching assistants are all qualified and have undertaken Paediatric First Aid training, as well as Safeguarding training.


Admissions and Fees


If you would like your child to attend Saint Mary’s nursery, please contact the school office on 01260 274690 to discuss your requirements.


We provide free places for all eligible three and four year olds (up to 30 hours per week) and for eligible two year olds (15 hours per week).  If you believe you are entitled to Free Early Education Entitlement, please complete the relevant form (based on your child's age) and return to school with the Initial Registration Form (see links above).


For children who are not eligible for free funded places, fees will be charged as follows from 1st September 2023:


Morning Session  8:35am to 11:40am - £13.80


Lunch Session 11:40am to 12:10pm - £2.80 


Afternoon Session 12:10pm to 3:10pm - £13.80


Whole Day - £30.40


We will also accept childcare vouchers as forms of payment.


Places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the year.  Once all places have been allocated, it will be possible for children’s names to be added to a waiting list if parents specifically request it.  Any places that then become available will be offered from the waiting list in the order in which names were placed on the list.




Please note that if you are self-funding for either all or some of your sessions, you will be charged for those sessions regardless of attendance.  Parents will be invoiced via ParentPay around the 15th of each month and payment will be due by 22nd of each month.  If payment is not received, the school will not allow the child to continue to attend the nursery for self-funded sessions.  




All children attending lunch sessions will go to the dining hall in the main school to eat their lunch. Children will be able to either choose a school lunch, or bring their own packed lunch, depending on their preference.  Details of the menu for school lunches are available on the school website (see “School Lunches” in the section entitled “Parents”).


If your child decides to have a school lunch rather than packed lunch, these will be payable in addition to the above fees and charged via ParentPay at a cost of £2.80 per meal.


Changes to sessions


If you would like any permanent changes to be made to your child's sessions once your child has started at nursery, please complete a Request to Change Sessions form (please see link above) and hand it in to the school office or email it to:


You will receive an email from the school office confirming whether the change is possible. It may not always be possible to agree to a change, for example, if the requested session is already full.


Subject to availability, changes will be effective from the first Monday of the following month.


Unfortunately, requests for ad hoc changes are very difficult to accommodate and can only be agreed in exceptional circumstances. Such requests should be made in writing by emailing the Head of School, Mr Merrick:


Term dates


The nursery will be open on the same days as the main school.  Term dates are published in advance on the school website (see “Term Dates” in the section entitled “Parents”).


Nursery uniform


The Local Governing Body undertook a consultation with parents in the summer of 2018 in order to understand whether parents would like children in the nursery to wear some kind of school uniform. Various options were presented and the feedback from parents was that uniform would not be appropriate. The decision was therefore taken that a nursery uniform will not be introduced.


We ask that children attend nursery in sensible clothing and footwear, and that they should come dressed appropriately for play, indoors and out, remembering that they may get messy in activities such as painting and in the mud kitchen.  Clothing must be age-appropriate and take account that we are encouraging independence.  Clothes should therefore be easy for the children to manage themselves when they go to the toilet.  As in the main school, coats should be warm, water-proof and have a hood, as nursery children will play out in the rain, unless the rain is very heavy.  Also as in the main school, jewellery should not be worn, long hair should be tied back at all times, and children should follow the other general rules as displayed in the main School Uniform Policy.


Please try to make a sensible choice for your child on nursery days as there have been times when our children have struggled with dungarees and shoes with long laces!


We appreciate your cooperation.


Transition to school


Nursery parents wishing their child to go to Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary school will need to apply to the Local Authority by the 15th January in the year that their child is due to start at school.  Whilst the school is unable to guarantee a place for those children attending its nursery, children who have attended nursery are placed higher on the oversubscription admissions criteria than “all remaining applicants”.  For further details, please refer to the school website (see “Admissions” in the section entitled “Key Information”).


Nursery administration


Nursery administration is undertaken by the school office.  If you have any queries in relation to invoicing, funding, or applications for places, please contact the office by emailing: or by calling on 01260 274690.


Further information


If you would like any further information, or would like to organise a visit to the nursery, please contact the school via email on: or call us on 01260 274690.
