We are Miss Lankester and Mrs Luby, and we will be in nursery this year. Our nursery is a calm and happy place, where children can explore, play and develop a lifelong love of learning. We are so excited to be teaching your children and supporting their growth and development this year!
Mrs Luby is based in N1, our 3 year old room.
Miss Lankester is the class teacher and based in N2, our Pre-School room.
Weekly updates will be posted on ClassDojo.
Spring 1 Overview
Autumn 2 Overview
Autumn 1 Overview
What to bring to Nursery each day:
- A waterproof coat
- Spare clothing: underwear, socks/tights, t-shirt/jumper, trousers/leggings
- Filled water bottle (named)
- Healthy snack (if not having morning toast)
- Cold weather - gloves, hat
- Warm weather - sun cream (pre-applied), sun hat
To keep at Nursery:
- Wellies
- Puddle suit
**Please make sure all items of clothing are clearly labelled**
We use the Monster Phonics scheme at Saint Mary's. In Nursery, we teach Phase One and Pre-Phase Two. Phase One activities are arranged under seven aspects:
1. Environmental sounds
2. Instrumental sounds
3. Body Percussion
4. Rhythm and Rhyme
5. Alliteration
6. Voice Sounds
7. Oral Blending and Segmenting
Phase One phonics activities support children to listen attentively, grow their vocabulary, speak confidently, discriminate phonemes, audibly reproduce the phonemes they hear, and use sound-talk to segment words into phonemes.
Below is a useful video for teaching pure sounds: