Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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In School

Harvest Mass 2024

On Wednesday 2nd October, we gathered together as a school community to celebrate our first Mass of the new school year. Year 4 led the Mass. For the Offertory, the children presented their kind donations that have been donated to New Life Storehouse. 





Mary Our Mother

The GIFT team ran a competition for all classes to complete a Mary drawing or painting for display. The winners from each class were displayed on the GIFT team wall, and as there were so many excellent entries, we updated our hall display with the Mary images. 




Why is Mary special? 

As all children started in their new classes this September, we have been learning all about Mary and why she is so important. Each class produced work about Mary. Our poems, drawings, prayers and artwork have been displayed in the school hall. 



May Procession 2023

We crowned Mary and presented her with flowers on Wednesday 24th May. The First Holy Communion children in Year 3 shared readings and wore their Communion clothes. 



Lent 2022

Advent 2021

Year 4 led our Harvest Mass on 6th October and although we had planned to gather as a whole school, we celebrated together online. Year 4 were fantastic with their readings and the whole school sang our hymns, All Things Bright & Beautiful, If I Were a Butterfly and Cauliflowers Fluffy. We asked families for donations for the Congleton Storehouse Foodbank which will help local families who are less fortunate than ourselves.

Mary Our Mother

Advent 2020

During Advent, we are taking time to reflect and prepare for Christmas. We will think about Hope, Peace, Joy and Love as we get ready to celebrate Jesus' birth. 

We have changed our school environment to reflect the time of year and the GIFT team have been responsible for our promise tree. 


“So stay awake, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming, evening, midnight, cockcrow, dawn; if he comes unexpectedly, he must not find you asleep. And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake!” Mark 13:33-37

Travelling Crib 


We have also introduced the 'Travelling Crib' this year which reflects the true meaning of Christmas.  This has proved to be a great success with our children in Year 3 who are preparing for their sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. Thank you to all those families who have welcomed the set into their homes.





