Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School








We use Life to the Full a fully-resourced Relationship and Health Education programme underpinned by a Christian faith understanding that our deepest identity is as a child of God - created, chosen and loved by GOD.


At Saint Mary’s we strive to be a community which supports each pupil to be the best they can be. We do this through positive interactions between all staff and pupils. We use positive behaviour management strategies, and all follow an agreed behaviour management policy. We celebrate success by ‘catching those being good’ with gospel values awards and weekly merit certificates. All these contribute to pupils’ sense of achievement and well-being.

We develop children’s religious character through weekly prayer and liturgy, led by adults and pupils. We ensure children are aware of how to stay safe and keep those around them safe through Ten:Ten lessons.


We take part in Anti-bullying week 11th-15th November 2024 - Choose Respect.


When moving from one year group to the next, we use transition activities to support children’s transition. The Y6 teacher also liaises with KS3 colleagues to support this for Y6 children, particularly those with SEND.

Internal and external staff lead extra-curricular sports clubs with focus on continued improvement and resilience.

An ELSA trained TA leads small 1:1 conversations to support children in managing their mental health.


Staff regularly complete statutory safeguarding training and undertake additional training to ensure they have the skills to support all children who demonstrate a range of needs including mental health.


The outdoor environment is used well to promote wellbeing: outdoor areas for working in / Forest Schools / Running Track / Prayer Garden / Amphitheatre / Outdoor Classrooms / Bike rack to encourage cycling and scooting to school.

We have invested in an outdoor track which is used 12 months of the year, with a specific focus on physical health to improve wellbeing. Children in every year group have a daily running session.


Play Leaders in year 4 and 5 independently set up and lead play in specific areas each lunchtime to promote healthy friendships, independence, leadership, responsibility and physical well-being.


Several year groups are involved in Congleton in Bloom Projects, which has been sustained for many years. Children participate in FairTrade Fortnight activities, Eco Club, Green Flag as well as the RSPB Bird Watching annual survey.


