Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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The safeguarding of every child in our care at Saint Mary’s is of paramount importance.


All staff have completed Safeguarding Training led by Cheshire East.


The named Governor for safeguarding is: Mrs Val Bridge.


All visitors to the school are required to sign in at the office where they will be given a Saint Mary's School Visitors Badge and asked to read through and adhere to the Visitors' Code of Conduct. 


All staff, governors, students and volunteers undertake a DBS (disclosure and barring) check. All DBS details are kept in a single central record located in the school office.


The safeguarding policy and other relevant policies are reviewed annually by all staff and governors and can be found on the website under Key Information > Policies > Statutory.


Saint Mary's is committed to multi-agency working for the benefit of all children in our care.


Safeguarding Key Contacts in School
