Saint Mary’s Catholic Primary School
Each year group follows the rising stars scheme of learning, adapted to ensure that history is taught in chronological order across the key stages, whilst building upon the skills and knowledge from the primary national curriculum. Taught every other half term, each history topic ends with a ‘big finish’ to allow pupils to showcase their learning. Topic cover pages are used to develop vocabulary understanding and links to previous and following topics to make connections. Our sequenced approach allows children to draw on their prior learning whilst exploring a wide range of resources that will help them develop links. Learning is enhanced through handling real artefacts, visits to local sites of historical interest, carefully planned school visitors, support of our local and school community and invaluable forest school experiences that allow the children to experience key aspects of history first-hand.
At Saint Mary’s, children adore their history learning. The knowledge and skills that the children build on year-by-year can clearly be evidenced through pupil voice activities, learning walks, environment checks and book scrutinies across the school year. Pupil voice shows that children are confident and can talk about what they have learnt in history using subject specific vocabulary. High quality work demonstrates that pupils are acquiring skills, knowledge and vocabulary within their history learning. Leaving our school, the children are inquisitive individuals who use the lessons of the past to inform their decisions for the future.