Saint Mary's

Catholic Primary School, Congleton


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Mrs Murphy - Year 6 Teacher and SENCo


I have been a teacher at Saint Mary’s for over 10 years now. I have taught in Early Years, Key Stage 1, Lower Key Stage 2 and Upper Key Stage 2. I always wanted to be a teacher from a young age and I enjoy the challenges of each day - every day is different and it definitely keeps me on my toes! I want to inspire children to work hard, view the world in a positive way, and find the potential they need to achieve and succeed in anything they do. I have a passion for Special Educational Needs and have enjoyed the role of being SENCO at Saint Mary's for the past 9 years.  


In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my young daughter and husband and our mischievous dog. As a family, we enjoy going on long walks in the countryside, feeding the ducks on the river, baking cakes and visiting places such as local farms to see and feed the animals. 
